From human genetics to structure and function:
Identifying a critical SMARCB1–nucleosome
interaction conserved for millennia

Alfredo M. Valencia
Hello! My name is Freddy Valencia and I am a 6th year PhD student in Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Through my research, I aim to uncover the molecular basis underlying human disorders and disease. For my dissertation, I have explored the biochemical mechanisms underlying the neurodevelopmental disorder, Coffin-Siris Syndrome, and I am thrilled to share the results of my work below!
Photo: Molly Akin / Harvard University
Recurrent SMARCB1 mutations reveal a critical
BAF complex–nucleosome interaction conserved for millenia
Background: BAF chromatin remodeling complexes are multi-protein molecular machines that remodel chromatin architecture to regulate gene expression, however the subunit-specific mechanisms by which this activity is achieved remain incompletely defined. SMARCB1 (BAF47) is a core subunit of BAF complexes, and recent genetic sequencing studies have revealed an accumulation of single amino acid mutations in the highly conserved, yet functionally uncharacterized C-terminal domain (CTD) of SMARCB1, which cause the intellectual disability disorder, Coffin-Siris syndrome (CSS), and are present in a variety of cancers.
Hypothesis & Research Methods: Given its conservation through yeast, I hypothesized that these disease-associated mutations disrupt the fundamental, nucleosome remodeling activity of BAF complexes. In order to assess my hypothesis, I used a variety of biochemical (peptide pull-down and chromatin remodeling assays), structural (3D-protein NMR), and chromatin mapping (ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq) experiments to define the molecular and genome-wide regulatory consequences of recurrent single-residue mutations in the SMARCB1-CTD, implicated in CSS and cancer.
Findings and Significance: Intriguingly, through peptide pull-down assays I discovered that the SMARCB1-CTD directly binds nucleosomes and that all CSS-associated mutations disrupt this interaction. Furthermore, 3D-structural determination of this region through protein NMR revealed an alpha helix structure with a positively charged cluster of amino acids, all mutated in CSS. Lastly, single amino acid SMARCB1-CTD mutations significantly abrogate mSWI/SNF complex-mediated chromatin remodeling activity in vitro and DNA accessibility in human cells (by ATAC-seq), without changes in genome-wide complex localization (by ChIP-seq).
Big Picture: Taken together, these studies provide the first molecular mechanism of the intellectual disability disorder CSS, and unmask a major, evolutionarily conserved function of SMARCB1 that dates back over 900 million years.
Alfredo M. Valencia(1-3) & Cigall Kadoch (1-3)
1. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA,
3. Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA

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